While appearing on 'Larry King Live' Tuesday, Gaga showed a small portion of the video, which she called, "a celebration of my love and appreciation for the gay community, my admiration of their bravery and their love for one another and their courage and their relationships."
The video, which is the third single from her 2009 album, "The Fame Monster," was directed by fashion photographer Steven Klein.
To date, Lady Gaga is the first artist to reach one billion online video views. Her controversial music videos have become a central focus of media attention, creating a culture separate from those we've seen before.
She currently holds three spots on the "100 Million Club," which consists of all the web-videos which have surpassed 100 million views:
To date, Lady Gaga is the first artist to reach one billion online video views. Her controversial music videos have become a central focus of media attention, creating a culture separate from those we've seen before.
She currently holds three spots on the "100 Million Club," which consists of all the web-videos which have surpassed 100 million views:
"Poker Face" - 374,606128 views
"Just Dance" - 272,941,674 views
"Bad Romance" - 360,020,327 views
"Just Dance" - 272,941,674 views
"Bad Romance" - 360,020,327 views
All three videos combined comes to a grand total of over one billion views. To add to her online acclaim, Gaga is so widely sought after on YouTube and Vevo that 25% of all of Vevo's visitors only search for Lady Gaga. She even has a day in her name after over 100,000 Facebook users formed a group called, "National Lady Gaga Day
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